Endless talk about Yogyakarta, Malioboro is still about the beauty and surroundings. Street vendors who lined up to sell specialty items that show how the diversity of Yogya art Affairs of Indonesia has unique characteristics, plus the presence of Andong and Beringharjo market presence there.
yg gmbar 1,cba ambil view dr dpan gdung plus ambil awannya.... sip pling... ehehehehhehe.....
BalasHapussepertinya sekali2 perlu ngambil gambar yg point nya manusia teman..
BalasHapusbiasanya itu lebih menyentuh, tentunya tanpa mengabaikan pemandangannya juga..
kalo begini2 terus, maksudnya ga ketangkep..
apa emang ga ada maksudnya?
hwehehehe :p